about fioh-usa

We're a small, volunteer-driven non-profit that gives 100% of donations collected to projects that enrich and sustain the lives of others

Future In Our hands-USA (FIOH-USA) is a 501c3 organization created in repsonse to the dire needs of the poor in Kenya. We are a small local organization, powered entirely by volunteers, and we maintain close personal relationships with the people we assist, to ensure that we know them by name and can support their needs. We communicate near-daily with our FIOH partners in Kenya and Zambia, and travel there periodically (on our own dime, NEVER with funds collected) to observe the programs and the people we’re supporting.  FIOH-USA is a part of the Future in Our Hands International Network (FIOH), a humanitarian and environmental action organization with partners in many countries throughout the world.

Our Origin Story

It all began with a boy named nevil

Everything in life has a story–and the beginnings of Future In Our Hands-USA is no different. In 2000 when Michele Sprada visited Kenya, she had no idea how much the trip would transform her life and that of her aunt, Sister Linda. When Michele returned to the States with news of the need to sponsor a young orphaned boy named Nevil Ochieng, Sister Linda was compelled to help. After all, the head of the orphanage had described Nevil as a bright boy who could excel if only he could afford his school fees. After months of supporting Nevil from afar, Linda and Michele traveled to Kenya to meet Nevil again, only to learn that he had passed away from an infection he contracted from drinking contaminated water. 

The story doesn’t end there…

...That was when we realized life-giving water was the key

When they learned that Nevil had died,  they knew right away that it was not enough to provide school fees if there was not a safe source of life-giving water. They knew they needed a way to fund a well in Ober village in Kisumu Kenya. The dream of funding a well in Ober jumped into their heads simultaneously. After sharing their experience with friends and family, Linda and Michele’s story was picked up by a Catholic publication.

What happened next was something they could never have anticipated.

An anonymous donor gave them the entire amount needed to build the first well in Ober.  It was completed in 2004. Since that time there have been no episodes of cholera or other water borne illnesses in Ober.  The two ladies soon realized that they were called to start a not-for-profit company so that they could continue to help others in Ober and beyond. By the end of 2005, they had established the organization–and in April 2006, their status as a 501c3 organization was approved by the IRS.

And as they say, the rest is history.

We haven't stopped since

Since our founding in 2005 FIOH-USA has funded hundreds of projects including:

  • Building wells to provide safe water for the people of Kenya
  • Sponsoring students to attend high school, college and vocational training in Kenya and Zambia
  • Providing monthly transportation to clinics so that HIV positive Kenyans are able to get their anti-retroviral medications.
  • Funding micro-loans to empower Kenyan and Zambian women’s groups in income-generating activities.
  • Providing sanitary pads to female students at Kanyamedha Secondary School, Usoma Primary School and Angelic Ark Centre.
  • Funding life-sustaining agriculture projects  in Shabila, Zambia; Kisii and Kisumu, Kenya.
  • Funding a project to improve the quality of education in four Orphan and Vulnerable Children-centered schools in Zambia.
  • Funding Angelic Ark Centre in Kisii, Kenya providing for the needs of HIV+ children.

Through the generosity of donors, FIOH-USA is able to provide water, food , health, education and work to our FIOH African partners in Kenya, and Zambia. It is our mission to continue to serve those who need our help throughout East Africa and beyond.

Our mission is still focused on our commitment and our convictions

Future in Our Hands–USA, is dedicated to more equitable use of world resources. FIOH-USA raises funds to support education, health care, sanitation and to help obtain potable water for impoverished people throughout the world. FIOH-USA stands for a commitment to co-operation and active consideration (rather than competition) for our fellow human beings; equal rights for everyone; and co-responsibility to safeguard the environment for current and future generations.  FIOH-USA hopes to promote social and economic justice in impoverished countries around the world.

...and our board is 100% volunteer-run

The board of directors of FIOH – USA consists of an all-volunteer group of individuals that generously donate their time to ensure that FIOH – USA can effectively accomplish its mission.

  • Mary Ellen Dye – President
  • Michele Sprada – Vice President
  • Sandy Warner – Treasurer
  • Louise Heubusch – Secretary
  • Terri Ricigliano – Board Member
  • Clay Carson – Board Member
  • Mary Owusu – Board Member
  • Rachel Turner – Board Member
  • Kitty Strickland – Board Member