ways to help
donations are great. but there are many other ways you can help us change people's lives

Donate Once or Monthly
You can either earmark your donation to a specific cause. or give a general donation and we’ll put it toward the area of greatest need. Click here to Donate Now.

Help Us Fundraise
Got a great idea for fundraising an event for FIOH-USA? We’d love to work with you to bring it to life. Contact us.

Join a Committee
We’re presently looking for people with strengths in the following areas. Contact us if you have the talents to help us. (1) Finance, (2) Coordinating African programs, (3) Leadership team and (4) Marketing.

Volunteer With Us
Would you like to help with a specific event or a need? We would love to have you! Contact us to tell us more about yourself.

Become A Partner
Do you belong to (or own) an organization that shares our values? We welcome your sponsorship of an event or a cause! Contact us to share your ideas.
we look forward to connecting with you.
Our Causes
Healthy Living
Healthy living refers to projects that improve the general health of members of the community. FIOH-USA is committed to advancing the quality of life for our partner communities. We work with our partners to develop self-sustaining, life-enhancing endeavors.
Community Support
FIOH-USA provides seed money to start self-sustaining programs and projects that the community has identified as a need to improve the quality of life for their region. Proposals are always generated by our African partners and FIOH-USA is able to fund their requests because of your generous donations.
Since our inception, FIOH–USA has been committed to educating children. Through your sponsorship, we have seen students graduate and move on to work to support their families and become independent members of the community. Each year FIOH-USA finds sponsors for approximately 50 students.
Agricultural programs and projects fund education, land, seeds, livestock and machinery that make it possible for people to grow and raise their own food. These projects not only provide healthy food, they bring the community together as their lives continue to improve.